
Monday, February 28, 2011

Little Green Men

Ants crawling on a forgotten apple in the basement is my first sign of spring this year. I am finding creatures in other places too. I was watering my plants today and picking off dead leaves when I saw a wee little hat and pot of gold coins.

As I was reaching my fingers forward a creature with amazingly long arms came out of the plants. Very quickly he ran to the pot and hat and seized them tight.

I picked him up, put him where I thought he would be more comfortable and asked his name. He told me and we had a polite conversation. He started to count his coins. We had a fun conversation.

Sorry no pattern this time. I thought you might like seeing this dapper fellow though. Maybe it will give you ideas for making your own. Seeing the cute things other people make always helps me get ideas.
I got the idea for the arms from this adorable knitted hug monster which I still want to try to crochet.)


  1. Ha, how cute, and such a creative interpretation of the hug monster!
